This is where I show, how is my server configured to run Proxmox-Environment

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Game of Active Directory

This is the archive where you can see all the posts related to Game of Active Direcory.

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A complete archive of my posts related to offensive side of things.

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Archive of all Hack the Box Machines completed.

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3 minute read

This tool checks if domain spoofing is possible or not.


4 minute read

Simple Python program to Obfuscate and Dobfuscate HTML files. The program also allows you to obfuscate and Dobfuscate multiple files in one go.


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This project automates the creation and management of phishing campaigns using the GoPhish API. The script handles template management, sending profiles, and...

My journey towards “TRY HARDER!”

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This is the blog that describes my journey towards OSCP and the struggles I have face to gain my OSCP certification.

HackTheBox Buff

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Buff is a Hackthebox active machine, so you need the Admin hash to decrypt the walkthrough!

Hackthebox Blackfiled

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Blackfiled is a HTB active machine at present. This is completely based on enumeration which will lead our way in. This is one of the best windows machine I’...

Tryhackme Haskhell

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HaskHell is medium level machine in TryHackMe. It is based on uploading unrestricted file uploads and exploiting it.